Looking back at the OWASP Testing Guide v3

A quick one sentence primer: the OWASP Testing Guide enables a business to test the security strengths and weaknesses of its web applications. I used v3 for several years and there is a new version out that I have yet to review. However, OWASP enabled me to find literally thousands of vulnerabilities (mostly manual) in…

Social Engineering

What Exactly Is Social Engineering?

Social engineering (security) explained Social engineering, in the context of security, is understood to mean the art of manipulating people into performing actions or divulging confidential information.[1] While it is similar to a confidence trick or simple fraud, it is typically trickery or deception for the purpose of information gathering, fraud, or computer system access;…

Social Engineering and Valentines Day

Social Engineering And Valentines Day In many countries it is the custom to send a card or gift on February 14, Valentines Day. Brewer’s Dictionary of Phrase and Fable says: “Valentine, St. A priest of Rome who was imprisoned for succoring persecuted Christians. He became a convert and, . . . he was clubbed to…